Our mission
To understand what we see for patient care
XDMD is a research and development company in medical image analysis. XDMD builds software and gives scientific advice.
The company offers segmentation and consultancy and is among the pioneers offering these services to a wide range of clients, including hospitals, research institutes, and industry, from startups to scaleups to large international companies. We fill the gap between academic research and commercial end products. We love to collaborate.
Our primary solution is image segmentation. Segmentation is the contouring of objects or labeling of pixels in the image and is at the heart of almost all clinical applications. Segmentation is also at the heart of almost all commercially available products. Applications include improved visualization of anatomy, measurements for treatment devices, detection and characterization of disease and pathology, surgical planning and navigation, and many more. Learn more about our vision.
Rashindra Manniesing (founder)
Rashindra Manniesing holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering (Delft University of Technology) and a PhD in Medical Image Analysis (Utrecht University), and has over 15 years of experience in the radiology departments of three major Dutch academic hospitals. He is an internationally recognized expert in neurovascular imaging with over 70 publications in top journals and conference proceedings. He co-founded a company building evidence-based search and worked as independent scientific advisor in medical imaging before starting XDMD in 2024. Dr. Manniesing is curious and creative, and able to balance attention to detail with a strong strategic vision.
Stefan Klein (advisor)
Stefan Klein holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (University of Twente) and a PhD in Medical Image Analysis (Utrecht University), and currently is associate professor and general chair of the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam (BIGR) at Erasmus MC, the Netherlands. He has published extensively, with over 180 publications, in a wide range of domains including image registration, magnetic resonance imaging, and retina imaging. Prof. Klein is a critical thinker and easily cuts through complexity to address the core of problems. This is his personal website.
XDMD has deep understanding of the full imaging pipeline – from acquisition to high-level interpretation. We have deep understanding of the latest developments in AI.
XDMD has decades of combined experience in academia and industry. We have worked in several academic hospitals and understand clinical context.
XDMD has an excellent team of research scientists and software engineers. We all love to program, also the people in leadership position. XDMD has an advisory board of leading scientists world-renowned in their field.
XDMD has a large network of leading professionals in machine learning, medical imaging, and various clinical domains. If we don’t know the answer, we always know someone who does.
XDMD <> academia
Collaboration based on shared values and objectives | Strong competition within academia |
Focus on segmentation | Focus on scientific or career advancements (publishing papers, getting PhD or tenure) |
Focus on what works | Focus on novelty |
Publishing optional | Thou shall publish |
Long-term continuity of expertise and experience | Expertise tied to PhD students with long learning curves and fixed-term contracts |
Multi-center data, enabling building foundation models | Easier access to data but often single-center only |
Professional GPU cluster | Often limited computational resources |
XDMD <> industry
Organization is small and flexible, communication fast and direct | Organization is large, more layers for decision making |
Doing research and development | Most AI companies working on end products |
Solution is part of shared objective | Solution not always possible because not part of product line |
Deep understanding of medical imaging, decades of combined experience | Expertise and experience dependent on few individuals within smaller team |
Kind words
“I have had the privilege of working with Rashindra Manniesing on several projects related to image processing and AI in the field of neuroradiology and stroke. He is always eager to share his insights and feedback, and to collaborate in a constructive and respectful way. He is a great team player, always ready to support and inspire. I admire his creativity and dedication for his work, and I look forward to our future collaborations”
– Anton Meijer, PhD, MD, neuroradiologist, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands