XDMD is a research and development company in medical imaging, founded by Dr. Rashindra Manniesing in 2024. We develop innovative software products based on AI and machine learning to analyze medical images and to write patient reports, adhering to the highest quality standards. Our mission is to understand what we see for patient care.
XDMD <> academia
Collaboration based on shared values and objectives | Strong competition within academia |
Focus on AI development and compliance for medical image analysis | Focus on scientific or career advancements (publishing papers, getting PhD or tenure) |
Focus on what works | Focus on novelty |
Publishing optional | Thou shall publish |
Long-term continuity of expertise and experience | Expertise often tied to PhD students with long learning curves and fixed-term contracts |
Multi-center data, enabling building foundation models | Easier access to data but often single-center only |
Professional GPU cluster | Often limited computational resources |
XDMD <> industry
Organization is small and flexible, communication fast and direct | Some organizations are large, more layers for decision making |
We consider all anatomies, pathologies, and modalities | Most AI companies working on specific end products |
Solution is part of shared objective | Solution not always possible because not part of product line |
Deep understanding of medical imaging, decades of combined experience | Expertise and experience often dependent on few individuals within smaller team |
The company is located in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This is the same city where Wilhelm Röntgen once lived as an aspiring physics student before his discovery of X-rays, which marked the birth of radiology and earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics. The ‘X’ in our name refers to X-rays, and the remaining letters follow almost naturally: the ‘D’ stands for Diagnostic task performed by Medical Doctors replaced by Artificial Intelligence. Our stance is: AI will replace tasks, not doctors. But AGI seems one prompt away!
XDMD is a treasured and carefully guarded point in the space of four-character strings. Hey look, there is another one!